Join our upcoming College of Professional and Continuing Studies Open House. 

During your virtual session, you’ll have the opportunity to learn more about the diverse range of programs that the College of Professional and Continuing Studies offers and how we can help you enhance your career. You’ll have access to our faculty and advisers who will answer all of your questions about programs, admissions, financial aid and more.   

Can’t make it? We’re here to help!

We understand that you may be facing challenges during this uncertain time. We are committed to best serving you.

We’re available to help you with questions about admission criteria, the application process, scholarship opportunities and more.

Contact us to schedule a virtual 1-on-1 appointment today.

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The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Adelphi University require that all events be accessible. To request a reasonable accommodation, please contact; please allow a reasonable time frame.

Please check back for upcoming dates.

» Take a Virtual Tour of Our Campus 



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